How to Get Approved for Programmatic Demand Sources?
The majority of SSPs evaluate your website based on similar factors, but none have explicitly documented their criteria. As a result, we are unable to provide you with firm guidelines; rather, we can offer a set of suggestions that ought to be of general assistance to you.
SSPs typically examine a few categories:
TRAFFIC Contemplations.
The majority of SSPs will take your website’s traffic volume and quality into account when deciding whether or not to accept you.
Many have minimum traffic volume requirements, and you will be rejected if your traffic falls below that threshold.
They will also examine the locations in which your traffic is coming from, the sources of that traffic (such as organic vs. paid), and signs that your traffic might be coming from bots rather than real people.
Sites with signs of ad clutter or where they believe the inventory won’t be valuable enough will often be rejected by many SSPs. Before submitting your website to SSPs, we recommend that you follow all of the recommendations in this article for avoiding ad clutter to increase your chances of approval.
CONTENT Contemplations.
When they review your website, SSPs will also look at the quality of your content. Audiences and advertisers alike should find content to be exceptional and original.
We would suggest using Google Ad Manager to get started if this is your first time. This is a great place to start because it is the simplest to set up and has the lowest entry barrier.
It will also be an excellent metric for determining whether you will be approved by other significant demand sources.
If Google does not approve your website, the majority of major SSPs will most likely also reject it. Before submitting to other programmatic demand sources, we recommend addressing the issues that are resulting in Google’s ban on your website in this situation.
How to Submit a Monetization Application to Major SSPs.
The application process for having your website monetized by an SSP generally follows a fairly consistent pattern. In order to begin the conversation, you will visit that SSP’s website and fill out a form there. They will then examine your website to see if you are a good candidate for monetization through their service.
Keep in mind that if you’re a small or medium-sized publisher, it’s not uncommon for your application to be turned down when you contact an SSP directly. However, you can still use a header bidding wrapper or a partner to access demand from these SSPs.
Ad Manager for Google.
Google Ad Manager is an ad server and sell-side platform. It grants access to networks and programmatic buying.
A complete platform designed for publisher monetization is Amazon Publisher Services. It includes demand from numerous different demand sources and SSPs.
Triplelift is a direct-to-publisher ad exchange and ad placement company that also provides design services and omnichannel publishing.
Magnite was brought into the world from a consolidation of The Rubicon Venture, Telaria, and SpotX. They guarantee to be the world’s biggest free SSP, with reconciliations for each promotion organization and advertisement channel.
Xandr, which is owned by AT&T, serves as a platform for both buy-side and sell-side ad tech by utilizing proprietary technology to drive monetization.
On its SSP platform, Wunderkind, formerly known as BounceX, provides services tailored to enterprise ecommerce clients.
OpenX is built on privacy, knowledge, and performance to meet all of your digital advertising and marketing needs. The name of their branded ad platform is OpenAudience.
UnrulyX is a supply-side platform that enables publishers to unify and report on all outstream video demand in a single location. RhythmOne was recently acquired, and all publisher solutions have been rolled into UnrulyX.
OpenWrap OTT is one of PubMatic’s branded technologies, and Prebid is connected to it.
For omnichannel businesses, video creators, bloggers, and app developers, Yahoo SSP, which Verizon Media recently acquired, was developed.
IndexExchange is a global marketplace for advertising that offers publishers and buyers high-quality inventory.
Sonobi is a developer of ad technology that makes advertising tools and solutions for the best publishers, media agencies, and advertisers in the business.
33Across assembles innovation for distributers to expand the worth of their stock and securely adapt it for the open web inside the limits of protection.
Sharethrough has a Native Advertising Exchange called Sharethrough for Advertisers that is made for buyers who care about performance.
Adagio is well-known for assisting publishers in increasing demand while simultaneously optimizing the revenue from their existing sources.
Publishers can use NoBid’s focus on the bottom of the stack to reduce inventory pressure and boost revenue.
Ad server and SSP are offered by ePlanning. one of the world’s oldest ad servers. Using e-planning tools, you can effectively manage advertising sales while also increasing income and profit per impression.
Publishers can use the MediaGrid’s robust testing tools to tap into premium demand.
GumGum is a company that specializes in computer vision and artificial intelligence. The company has been using its patented capabilities to serve advertising and professional sports since 2008. formerly referred to as GumGum.
“With actionable inventory insights, flexible deals tools, and smart curation,” YieldMo’s SSP “enables publishers to monetize more efficiently and effectively.”
152Media provides a comprehensive monetization solution, including a header bidding adapter if necessary.
a member of the Yahoo! In addition to the Bing network, Medianet gives you instant access to one of the largest marketplaces for advertisers who target keywords.
Publishers can choose from a wide range of ad products from Infolinks.
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